2 years ago
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So I have been taking the tsi many times but I still can't pass, I'm junior could you give me advice


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2 years ago

Hello! What is the TSI test? This is a genuine question. I have never heard of the TSI test.

🎤2 years ago

It's a test that you take if you want enter acc or to any college in texas


2 years ago

Hi, I took the TSI a couple months ago, I just suggest you learn from your mistakes.

I had to take it twice but I learned a few tricks:

For the reading section take your time, don't rush through it and actually try. You just need to be in an environment where you concentrate and you should be fine. If you get to the point where they ask you to complete the diagnostics section to continue, this means you didn't pass the first found of questioning but don't get discouraged KEEP GOING and WORKS HARD

Writing: This section is honestly the easiest to pass. My first time It tried to write the most elegantly crafted essay and failed. Just stick to the basics and USE THE FULL 600 WORD LIMIT. Even if you write the worst essay known to man you will get the minimum passing score of a 5 (scale 1-8)

Math: Just review your algebra 1 and you'll pass this section with flying colors.

FINALLY: Ty to see if you testing center allows you to space out each subject it's a lot easier to pass when you only have to go in only taking one section so you don't get burnt out.

Hope this helps!!


🎤2 years ago

Thank you very much for your advice

10 months ago

So what makes you say To write the FULL 600 words? Wouldn't That Raise A Higher Risk Of Mistakes? I'm not sure but it looks like you got some experience, Iv failed This Essay Test Multiple Times ... And please add more advice . Thanks in advance .


2 years ago

I recommend taking practice tests, working with a tutor, and watching TSI prep videos. Hope this helps!

🎤2 years ago[edited]

I study for them I think I am gonna try watching practice videos that's the only thing I haven't tried thank you.


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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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