a year ago
School List Suggestions

Finding a college

Hi! I'm a sophomore right now, but I am going to be a junior next year and I want to get into a good college. My top schools are my dream schools, MIT, Cornell, and Yale, but I am fine with not going to an Ivy League. I would like to go to one of the top engineering schools, I would like to be a Technological Engineer. If there are any tiny or big hints and tips you can give me please send them my way. Thank you!

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a year ago

because the schools you want to go to are so rigorous, you definitely want to have a good application and have a well rounded profile. for example, don't just put all of your focus into school, but also do plenty of clubs, sports, volunteering etc (just make to to not overwhelm yourself!) I suggest taking honors/ap classes, especially ones that pertain to your intended career, as well as taking the psat and sat. When it gets competitive, schools definitely like to see someone who takes hard classes and a good gpa, but thats not the only thing they look at. what can also be helpful is doing internships, summer programs, etc, particularly ones that have to do with your intended major. also, practicing/preparing for the college essay and learning how the whole admissions process works ca help ou prepare for senior year's appluing to colleges. Hope this helps!


a year ago

If your school offers any classes that involve technology and engineering I would suggest that you take those classes to bring you one step closer to becoming a technological engineer.


a year ago

Definitely get involved with extracurricular clubs and volunteer organizations. Speech and Debate looks really good on college applications, especially if you do well in it, but if there's something more aligned with your interests/potential future major/career go for that! With volunteering, if you can take a leadership role with your given organization that will look excellent.

Take the SAT as a junior. This will give you more time to specifically work on the skills that might hold you back. Schoolhouse.world has SAT prep bootcamps that can be very helpful.

Make sure you don't take on too much! Try to find a way to enjoy (or at least tolerate) everything that you do. You can get a great education even if you don't go to a top school.


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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