a year ago
School List Suggestions

Overly-Ambitious 8th Grader

As someone who is passionate about European history (and micronationalism, monarchies, flags, politics...), I aspire to become a 7th/8th-grade history teacher, politician, or diplomat/ambassador in the future. To achieve this, I am considering majoring in political science and minoring in economics. If feasible, I would be interested in pursuing additional majors and/or minors, provided that it can be completed within the standard 4-year timeframe. I am particularly drawn to colleges with a diverse international community, and would be open to studying abroad.

In the past, I consistently ranked at the top of my class and competed with my group of friends for high grades in the 90s. However, this year, I was accepted into a more challenging school that ranks 3rd in my state. As a result, my grades have suffered compared to previous years, with a mix of As, Bs, and a single C. I excel in Math and Social Studies, but struggle with writing and science.

I am currently unsure about my future plans once I reach high school. Although I am contemplating changing schools next year, I am also considering the possibility of applying to European high schools for my sophomore year.

I'm feeling a bit uncertain about which colleges I should consider applying to in the future. Would you happen to have any recommendations?

Thank you!

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a year ago

While you can consider schools in Europe, you shouldn't try to transfer once you're in high school unless you genuinely have an issue with your current one (you're not even there yet!), it complicates things and might mean that you'll be misplaced or grades translate differently on your transcripts depending on each school's weighing system, if it has one. But I think the high school you attend doesn't matter at all unless it offers terrible resources and classes, I go to a moderately competitive school but we still send many people to the Ivies each year and similar. I like how you're already thinking about your major, you do seem very ambitious, but it might change so I wouldn't base everything you do in high school on it. It's pretty hard to do more than a dual major and a minor in 4 years. Once you get to college, you'll probably take about 15 credits (5 classes, 15 hours of classes/week) a semester, even taking 18 would put a great strain on you. There are people who triple major but it's usually at colleges where it's specifically easier to do that like Tulane University. I know how you feel because I'm going into college and have many interests, but I think we all have to choose 1-2 things and stick with it. Also, it's hard to recommend you colleges this early on, wait a couple years and consider what you look for in a college in terms of major/program, location, student life, cost, etc, then look into it again. Finally, your grades right now don't mean much more than a general reflection of how well you might do in high school. You can still be valedictorian in high school, or you might find it very difficult and suffer in the first semester or year. If you struggle with certain subjects, it's expected that you seek out teachers in their free time in high school for extra help, or you can get tutored.


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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