11 months ago
School List Suggestions

Am I paranoid???

I think I know what schools I want to go to, but I always doubt my abilities and accomplishments and convince myself I can’t get in. I live in Ohio, by the way. Here’s my stats and schools I’m interested in:


- 3.98 unweighted GPA

- 4.2 weighted GPA

- 31 ACT (I just took another one so fingers crossed)

- 8 APs and 1 college course

- Volunteered in my schools special ed room for 4 years

- member of marching band for 4 years (1 year drum major and 2 years squad leader)

- mentorship with district’s behavior analyst team

- member of various other clubs

- NHS member


- Ohio State

- Case Western

- University of Tennessee

- University of Maryland

- UNC chapel hill

- University of Georgia

- Clemson

I know some I can definitely get in, but others I’m unsure about and would like a second opinion. Thanks!

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11 months ago

I would say that your chances of getting into each of these colleges depend on the major that you plan on going into (I think it's special education, behavior analysis, or psychology based on what your ecs are but I'm not sure). Some majors are more competitive in colleges, so I would recommend that you do some more extracurriculars related to your major to give you less doubt about your chances at each of these schools.

But just on the basis of your general stats, you seem like a very good applicant. Your academics / GPA are really good and your extracurriculars are pretty good.

If you want a more statistical summary of your chances for each of these colleges, I would use Collegevine's chancing simulator.


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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