9 months ago
School List Suggestions

How do I narrow down my list?

I'm in ninth grade, so I thought it would be a good idea to look at lots of colleges. The idea worked, but now I'm wanting to narrow down my list so I can really look at what they want in an application. I have a 3.5 gpa and my first pick for a college is Belmont University in Nashville TN.

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9 months ago

I feel that narrowing down the list will happen as you go through highschool. In my freshman year I had so many colleges on my list. As you explore more about the colleges you think you like you will notice that you might have a preference for certain things, like a private or public college, or a big campus vs. a small campus, In state vs. out of state, and other things like that. You should also look at academics and see which schools you want to aim for academically. Those things are really big factors when narrowing down colleges. Its good to have 2 safeties, 4 targets, and 2 reaches on your list. I wouldn't worry about colleges too much yet since you are only in ninth grade! good luck!

9 months ago

This helped me too! Thanks!


8 months ago

Don't feel too pressured to narrow down what colleges you want right now. Personally, my career goals and interest have changed drastically from when I was in ninth grade. You might actually limit yourself if you solely focus on what colleges want. There were many opportunities I passed up because I focused too much on a stem pathway. Starting a list now is great because you get an early idea of what colleges desire in students but now is the time to experiment. Don't lose track of your goals but try to keep an open mind. Hope this helps!


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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