7 months ago
School List Suggestions

T20 Schools?

Hi, I'm a senior looking for any suggestions for any T20 schools I have a good chance of getting into. I have target schools and a bunch of safeties I thought were targets (I underestimated myself a lot). I am willing to go anywhere. My stats:

- 4.0 UW - 4.3 W

- Bunch of extracurriculars as a member

- Two jobs I've maintained for more than two years (waitress & babysitter)

- 70+ volunteer hours

- 2 officer positions (SNHS, FCCLA)

- In the middle of founding a baking club!

- Test optional

- 11 APs, 5 Honors

- Rank 3 out of 422 of my class (10% in decile bc my school doesn't do specific rank)

- Have tutored overseas Chinese students for a summer in core subjects through Zoom

- Summa Cum Laude on my transcript

- Asian, first-gen

- Intended major is pharmacy/pharmaceutical sciences (if unavailable, major in biochem or bio)

To give examples, my target schools are William & Mary, UGeorgia, UC Davis, UC San Diego, and my hard targets are UVA, Boston University (30-ish percent), and UCLA (mid 20s). Safeties (above 80%) are VA Tech, UMaryland, Purdue, UPitt, Rutgers, and JMU.

Thanks! :)

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What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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