5 months ago
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How can I improve my SAT reading score without any expensive SAT tutoring preps

I am currently a junior. I took the paper SAT 3 times, but the highest score was 1300. To break the score down, I scored a 590 on reading and 710 on math. Is there anything I can do to improve my SAT reading section? I had practiced numerous tests, but they all didn't work. It is really dragging my total SAT score. What should I do? Is it possible to improve my reading by 40+ points?

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5 months ago

Yes, it is very possible. First of all, the DSAT will have shorter reading passages which in my opinion is easier. Also, you can look up vocabulary words to practice. Continue reading well-written literature to improve your vocab and reading comprehension. If you set up an account with Khan Academy and make a goal of 10 questions per day. It can make all the difference. Also, LEARN from your mistakes- go back and review wrong answers. I went from a 650 to a 730 in 2 months.

Best advice is to practice, practice, practice and READ tons of books. I am an avid reader- to the point that some of the practice tests and real tests (SAT and PSAT) had passages from books I had read dozens of times, which as you can imagine is super helpful!

Hope this helps and if you need any more tips, let me know!

5 months ago

I wholeheartedly agree! Khan Academy boosted my reading score tremendously, and the system that allows for practicing your worst points on the SAT/PSAT keeps you prepared for next time. Personally, the Princeton SAT Review was the most beneficial- the little annotations about how the test is run and common tricks you can use was among the most helpful!

🎤5 months ago

Thank you very much!


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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