9 months ago
School List Suggestions

how to improve?

hey im a sophmore and need some help on how to improve my transcript in order to get into a t30 school. my major is journalism

freshman yr:

- 3.38 culumative (i completely flopped 3rd tri)

- 2 clubs (one affinity and model un)

- jv soccer

- only took 1 honors class

sophmore yr:

3.41 culumative

- 3 clubs (community, affinity, and model un)

- soccer in spring (hopefully varsity!)

- currently 3 honors,1 ap, and a reporter for our schools news site (one article was featured our newspaper & another's getting featured in the yearbook)

p.s.: i know i can do much better on my gpa!!

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
9 months ago

Hey there @lolhey98!

Firstly, focus on challenging yourself with harder classes. Three honors and one AP is great for sophomore year, so continue to take higher-level classes next year. Aim for 2-3 APs and a few honors courses, but make sure to focus on meeting graduation requirements! Now is a great time to solidify study strategies and time managements skills as you head into the second semester of your sophomore year and beginning of your junior year.

For a top school, extracurriculars are key. It's great that you've expanded the activities you're involved in since freshman year, but make sure to keep adding more activities and upping your commitment. If you're passionate about art, writing, science, or math, look out for local, regional, and nationwide competitions to participate in. Get a few service hours; check out local animal shelters, food and clothing banks, and summer camps that need helping hands. Try to amass between 75 and 150 volunteer hours before the end of high school. Look for out-of-school activities and volunteer opportunities that relate to your interests. Become a counselor at a soccer camp for little kids or join a local soccer team.

If offered, take the pSAT and/or pre-ACT to get a general idea of what you need to study for the ACT and SAT next year. Enroll in SAT/ACT prep at school or use Khan Academy to work on areas that you struggle in. Start studying early; a good foundation is key.

In short, I see the most room for improvement in your extracurriculars. If you have a winter break, use the time off to look for activities you can enroll in during second semester and begin to iron out summer plans.

Good luck!

9 months ago

I'm also a sophomore in high school right now, one thing I think could help is do extracurriculars that market yourself toward your intended major. I don't know much about journalism, if you know of any volunteering or summer programs that are journalism-based, that could help you. Schools want to see you passionate and consistent about something.

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