5 months ago
School List Suggestions

How to improve my chances of getting into a good college

Hey, I'm a sophomore in high school and I'm interested in the biology/biomedical area. I don't know what a good college transcript looks like, or what colleges are looking for in a good transcript.

What are some things I could improve on? What am I lacking?

Here are some things about me.

- i have a 4.0 weighted gpa

- im planning on completing the IB diploma program (4 SL classes, 4 HL classes)

- 8 honors classes by the end of this year

- my psat was 1100 without studying

- ive been playing as varsity athlete for girls tennis, jv in track&field

- im playing in my top school orchestra and made it into an all-district audition group

- 100+ service hours

- 2 clubs (fellowship of christan athletes, korean culture club)

- im east asian, both my parents immigrated and attended OSU, and graduated with bachelor degrees

- i hate writing essays

- I've been becoming a B grade student because ive been focusing too much on friends and less on studying

I think that's about it, I'm worried about my grades but I think I can improve them by the end of this year.

My goal is to reach the ivies/generally pretty prestigious colleges(UVA perhaps?), but I'm not feeling confident in what I have so far.

Please be brutally honest with me, thanks!! <33

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5 months ago

Most importantly, I hope you realize only 3 SLs and 3 HLs contribute to your IB Diploma? The other two would be certificates, and that's if your school even allows you to do that. (it should, but some don't)

Other feedback:

- PSAT is looking good at 82nd percentile, but if you want to get into ivies your SAT/ACT will have to much higher than that. 97th percentile at the least, so start working on that in your junior year, or even now if you want or have the time

- Tennis + track and field are looking good, keep it up and try to get to regionals, state, or nationals

- Orchestra is also amazing, keep it up

- service hours, doing great, make sure they're consistent throughout your high school career (pick a couple of things and stick with them, ex 2 hours at the food bank every year for 3 years or sum)

- Clubs are looking good. I don't know much about those two, but it sounds like they don't have leadership. If they do, try to get some kind of leadership in them

- The essays part... maybe in your senior year apply to colleges that don't require essays? Idk

- B's are great for a lot of colleges but for the ivies... you need to be a mostly A student. You're at the point now where if you start getting mostly/all A's it could look good as a learning/maturity curve, but if you stick with the B's the ivies probably aren't going to accept you. There's a chance if all your other stats are good, or if you're applying as an athlete (doesn't sound like you are tho), but A's will look the best.

I'm not trying to be mean or anything, you're doing great! The ivies just have really high expectations of applicants, and it's important to be realistic, y'know? This is all just what I would do so if you disagree take it with a grain of salt lol. Also if you have any further questions lmk

🎤4 months ago

Do you think joining internships or college courses could improve my chances?

4 months ago

Absolutely! Science-related internships and/or research opportunities will look great on your resume. As for the college courses, I honestly don't think that's necessary. By doing IB you're already showing colleges that you're taking difficult courses at the college level, and that would just give you more work and less free time


5 months ago

You seem to look pretty good for most colleges. I think you might have a chance with UVA…but you look like a normal student when you apply to an Ivy.

Here are some things you can improve on:

PSAT: I would take the SAT/PSAT again and get a higher score, because most students in ivy colleges got at least a 1400.

2 clubs is not enough, and it doesn’t highlight your interests regarding the major you want to pursue

Even though you hate them, you have to write essays. Especially when applying to scholarships

Not saying stop hanging out with your friends, but Bs might not work for IVY. It can though if your strengths are in other things. You also have time to change that

Here are some things to do to improve your chances:

Join some biology related clubs:

Anatomy Club

Biology Club

Environmental Club

Future Vets Club

Neuroscience Club

Pre-Med Club

Red Cross Club

Science National Honor Society

Sports Medicine Club

Make a club in your school if you have to (colleges love it when you make your own club in school and run it.) Also, make sure you are also doing something important in these clubs.

Join some academic competitions:

USA biolympiad

Regeneron Science Talent Search

NSPC Health Science Competition

The Plant the Moon Challenge

American Academy of Neurology’s Neuroscience Research Prize

National Science Bowl

The BioGENEius Challenge

The Genes in Space Challenge

The iGEM Competition

I know you hate writing but…ASHG’s Annual DNA Day Essay Contest

Lumiere Research Scholar Program

Breakthrough Junior Challenge

I would say Volunteer next, but you seem to have that covered.

Take some pre-college summer programs:

Bethel College Summer Science Institute

Carnegie-Mellon University’s Summer Academy for Math and Science

The Garcia Program

Jackson Laboratory Summer Student Program

MDI Biological Laboratory High School Summer Research Fellowship

Princeton Laboratory Learning Program

Research Science Institute (RSI)

Simons Summer Research Program

Socorro Summer Science Program

Summer Science Program (SSP)

UPenn Biomedical Research Program

And of course, this is like if you are a genius:

Discover something new and win an award for it

Make a biomedical device

Write a book and publish it

For UVA you have about 20% chance, which means that 1 in 5 people get accepted basically, but those 5 people likely have good stuff on their resumes because it’s a prestigious school. I think you have an amazing start. Just try some of the stuff I listed and you’ll do fine.

🎤4 months ago

wow, thanks a lot for the recommendations! ill take your advice into account.


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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