8 months ago
School List Suggestions


Hello, so I’m a freshman in Highschool and College is really important to me. I want to get my business MBA at the University of Pennsylvania but I honestly don’t know what extracurricular activities would look best. I’m not into sports at all but I joined student council this year and I plan to stay in it all through high school. I know I plan to do about 4 AP classes my next 3 years but I’m not exactly sure which ones would look the best either(my school doesn’t allow freshman to take Ap so I’m in PAP right now ). Thank you for the help!

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@_KC_8 months ago

I also want to go to UPENN, its also my dream university! Good luck to You and Me!

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8 months ago

I would say for extracurriclar's you could do FBLA to Deca if you have those. Other than that you could start your own business or maybe do a summer program for business or a business internship. For the 2nd part you could take AP Calc and AP stats are the best ones. I think if you took 2 your sophomore year, 3 junior and 2/3 senior that's ideal that is the path I followed except I took one my freshman year.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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