4 months ago
School List Suggestions

Italian international student suggestion


I am a transfert student from Cattolica University Milan in a very competitive degree in international relationships and global affairs completely taught in english and with only 20 places for italian.

GPA in college 3.8

I graduated from Liceo Scientifico Tradizionale 81/100

Toefl ibt 105

Internship at European Union and university of Trieste in climate change research

Athlete of national interest for basketball during high-school (there is a government program) and now I play for the official college team

Valedictorian at high school

Debate championships

4 awards for school related stuff (philosophy Olympics...)

I worked in a bunch of different paid positions

Last year i was so naive to only apply to Harvard where I was deferred and then rejected. I'm open to suggestion!

Thank you in advance!

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4 months ago[edited]

Retry The Harvard Kennedy School. Also look into the Keough School of Global Affairs at Notre Dame University and The Bush School of Government & Public Service at Texas A&M University for a safety. The Bush School is one of the best for what you want to study and I'm looking to transfer into it myself. It's not too difficult to get into, not easy mind you, but as long as you're a good student with some extracurriculars you should be fine. Like I said it's also a great school for International Studies which directly feeds into various government agencies.

Also look into George Washington University, Georgetown University and American University the three big Washington D.C. feeder schools for political science and global affairs/international relations.

🎤4 months ago

Thank you so much!


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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