8 months ago
School List Suggestions

Any Suggestions?

Hi! I'm a high school junior currently looking at eventually going into either something psychology or health related or occupational therapy. Some majors I have considered for this are general health majors (which I've seen differ by school), anatomy, phisiology, and psychology. I have pretty strong ECs and awards (President/Co-Founder of a club, Spanish National Honors Society, National Honors Society, Gold Medal in National French Contest, ~100 Service Hours), and I am hopefully going to be expanding on them in the coming year. However, I'm in a holding point looking for colleges, as I seem to not be finding anything that interests me anymore. I would like to go to either a larger university or a research school so I can get more connections/opportunities to expand on what I choose, does anybody have any college suggestions that I should look at for this? Thank you!

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@tinytrees8 months ago

Hey! I wish I could help, maybe try Cornell or a hard reach or reach school since, by what you listed, your achievements sound awesome and quite impressive! Also, if you do continue on the therapy route, thank you in advance for caring for other's mental health and helping people cope!

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1 answer

8 months ago

Hello! I would suggest looking at:

-Oregon State University

-University of Missouri (Mizzou)

-Rutgers University

-California State University

-William & Mary

-University of Florida

-Stony Brook University

-Trinity University

-University of Southern California

-New York University

-Washington University St. Louis


-Johns Hopkins University

Best of luck in your college search!

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Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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