4 months ago
School List Suggestions

Psychology Classes and Colleges

I'm currently a sophomore in high school and have started looking at colleges and have already got a few connection requests.

I plan to take dual enrollment at Delta College my senior year with a select few IB/honors classes, from my current high school.

Should I continue at Delta once graduating high school or should I continue to a higher grade school that is not only safe but, possibly a reach?

Along with that, which psychology courses from Delta should I take, as I'm doing IB Honors Psychology next year?

Thank you!

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4 months ago


As someone who is taking dual enrollment/credit for the entirety of high school, I would highly suggest sticking with Delta until you get a degree. Not all of those college credits will be transferable if you do decide to continue to a different college. If you are not receiving a degree (Associate) by the end of high school, then stick with Delta afterwards until you do, then you can apply for a different college if you want to further your education to a BA, MA, etc. I say this because you may have to retake those classes if you decide to switch, or you would have to be extremely selective about the colleges that you decide to apply for – being sure to consider whether or not they will accept those credits.

With all that said, you would probably want to start marking off some of those college credits on the degree that you want from there.

Do you have an idea of some classes you want to take? I don't really know if some classes you are more likely to need to retake (I believe core classes transfer easier/more standardized among states). I would maybe start looking at the transfer agreements of those colleges and see how everything would work out. Then determine the classes you could take now that would give you the most opportunities to apply to as many schools as possible. A lot of colleges work together in-state, but things get tricky when you want to transfer out.

I hope all this helped! I know things work a bit differently in different states/colleges. Let me know if I need to clarify anything I said or if you have any other questions! :)

🎤4 months ago

I appreciate you,

To answer your question about other classes I'd like to take, I do have an interest in...

- childhood development

- mindset development

- the development of psychopathy and sociopathy

- the development of conditions such as depression, anxiety, psychosis, ADHD, ADD, ODD, etc.

- Overall management of emotional crisis and mental and/or psych breaks

I'll end the list there, otherwise I'd go on forever.

Thank you!


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