4 months ago
School List Suggestions

What Schools should I look into?

About me



attend private school in Seattle


Highly involved in BBYO ( Jewish youth group) regionally and internationally

looking into going into a business or marketing

CIT at Jewish summer camp this upcoming summer

3.7 gpa

have done over 150 hours volunteering with special need children

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4 months ago

I used Ivy assistant to suggest some schools for you:

Yeshiva University (New York City) - A Jewish-affiliated university with a well-regarded business program.

New York University (New York City) - A highly ranked university with a top business school, Stern School of Business, and a sizable Jewish community.

University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) - An Ivy League university with the renowned Wharton School of Business. The campus has a vibrant Jewish community and offers resources like Hillel and Chabad.

Brandeis University (Waltham, Massachusetts) - A non-sectarian university founded by the Jewish community, featuring a strong business program and a supportive environment for Jewish students.

University of Maryland (College Park) - Known for its Robert H. Smith School of Business, the university has a large Jewish community and resources like Hillel and Chabad.

Boston University (Boston, Massachusetts) - Questrom School of Business offers strong programs, and the campus has an active Hillel community.

University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Michigan) - The Ross School of Business is highly regarded, and the university has a large Jewish community.

Indiana University (Bloomington, Indiana) - The Kelley School of Business is well-respected, and the campus offers resources such as Hillel and Chabad.

Emory University (Atlanta, Georgia) - Goizueta Business School is highly ranked, and the campus has a strong Jewish community.

Washington University in St. Louis (St. Louis, Missouri) - Olin Business School is well-regarded, and the university offers a supportive environment for Jewish students.

Tulane University (New Orleans, Louisiana) - The A.B. Freeman School of Business offers strong programs, and the campus has an active Jewish community.

University of California, Los Angeles (Los Angeles, California) - The Anderson School of Management is highly ranked, and the campus has a sizable Jewish community.

University of Southern California (Los Angeles, California) - The Marshall School of Business is well-respected, and USC offers resources like Hillel and Chabad.

Binghamton University (Binghamton, New York) - The School of Management offers strong programs, and the campus has a supportive environment for Jewish students.

George Washington University (Washington, D.C.) - The School of Business is well-regarded, and the campus offers a vibrant Jewish community.

Please checkout each school individually to find your best fit based on all factors! Hope this helps. LMK if you have more questions!

3 months ago[edited]

This list helps me so much! I am also jewish and I've been looking for colleges that have a nice Hillel program and that would offer birthright but also have good education. This helps a lot, thank you!

3 months ago

No problem :) Happy highschooling!

3 months ago

BTW, if you ever need more suggestions, check out Ivy assistant. But like I said, please check each university's website individually and make sure that they actually have what you want.


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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