23 days ago
School List Suggestions

Good schools for botany/ plant majors

What is a good school for botany?

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22 days ago

Love this question! I am headed towards a horticulture major, actually :) so glad to meet another plant lover on here. Do you specifically want botany, plant science, agriculture, or horticulture? If you're not sure yet, here are some schools to check out:

Penn State University

Temple University

Delaware Valley University (My fave because they give hands-on experience with greenhouse/nursery internships and classes. Also, they started as an Ag school, so very well established in the plant field. I am visiting the campus this Saturday and I am SO excited!)


Cornell University (Ithaca, NY)

University of California, Davis

Michigan State University

University of Florida (Gainesville, FL)

North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC)

Texas A&M University (College Station, TX)

Colorado State University (Fort Collins, CO)

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Champaign, IL)

Oregon State University (Corvallis, OR)

Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN)

University of Georgia (Athens, GA)

University of Wisconsin-Madison (Madison, WI)

Ohio State University (Columbus, OH)

Rutgers University (New Brunswick, NJ)

Lmk if you need any specific advice on choosing/preparing for a plant related career. Happy to help :)

🎤22 days ago

Wow, that is quite the list thank you so much! Horticulture seems more fitting for me as a major. To be quite honest I am not completely sure of the differences, although I know I might like horticulture because from what I understand that more of a hands-on approach to planting and learning about gardening. How would filtering this list down to horticulture change what schools to look into?


22 days ago

I know for a fact that Penn State, Delaware Valley University, and Temple University have horticulture majors. Those three schools I am personally applying b/c they are local and I like the approach. NOT bias 😊 but I think Pennsylvania has some of the most well-established horticulture programs because there are a ton of arboretums and famous gardens (Longwood Gardens for example). I know the most about DelVal, though, so if you have questions about that university, please lmk

I recommend looking up each school to verify, but here are other colleges that I think have horticulture majors:

1. Clemson University (Clemson, SC) - Bachelor of Science in Horticulture

2. Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, VA) - Bachelor of Science in Horticulture

3. University of Minnesota (St. Paul, MN) - Bachelor of Science in Horticulture

4. Iowa State University (Ames, IA) - Bachelor of Science in Horticulture

5. Kansas State University (Manhattan, KS) - Bachelor of Science in Horticulture

6. Utah State University (Logan, UT) - Bachelor of Science in Horticulture

7. Oklahoma State University (Stillwater, OK) - Bachelor of Science in Horticulture

8. Auburn University (Auburn, AL) - Bachelor of Science in Horticulture

9. North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC) - Bachelor of Science in Horticultural Science

10. Colorado State University (Fort Collins, CO) - Bachelor of Science in Horticulture

11. Oregon State University (Corvallis, OR) - Bachelor of Science in Horticulture

12. University of Connecticut (Storrs, CT) - Bachelor of Science in Horticulture

13. West Virginia University (Morgantown, WV) - Bachelor of Science in Horticulture

14. University of Kentucky (Lexington, KY) - Bachelor of Science in Horticulture

University of Pennsylvania has some plant program if you are into Ivies. Personally, I was not impressed by the vibe on UPenn’s website. I am sure there are many other schools with horticulture but there are a lot of similar programs that aren’t really horticulture (more plant science) so check out each school to make sure they offer the type of training you want.

22 days ago

a lot of these schools are larger state schools. I do not like large schools, so I leaned towards private schools like Temple and DelVal. I really, really love the DelVal program- check out their website. They even have a video walkthrough of the greenhouse! I honestly got so excited looking at it all :)


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