17 days ago
School List Suggestions

College Suggestions

Hi, I've been looking at possible colleges to go to, however, I feel at a stump on where to go next. I'm only a freshman so I have lots of time, but I still would like to have colleges in mind. So far, I'd like to major in Criminal Justice or Law, Film, or Psychology. Currently, my top choice is UW-Madison, but I'm very open to others. I'd like if it wasn't too "easy" to apply to, but it's okay possibly. Thank you for the help!

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
17 days ago

Hi, @caleigh!

To start with film, I've heard Syracuse University has a great program, as well as New York University or the University of Southern California (also UC Berkeley). Outside of the U.S. there is the London film school or Vancouver film school.

Northeastern University has good programs for Criminal Justice, as well as Harvard or Yale (on the more difficult program spectrum). The University of Chicago also has good criminal justice/law programs.

Lastly, schools with good psychology programs include Duke University, Smith College, Williams College (which also has unique math/science programs), and the University of Michigan. Outside of the U.S., the University of Copenhagen and McGill University in Canada seem to have good psychology programs.

Hope these help!

10 days ago


Don't worry, I'm a freshman in the same situation. UW-Madison is a great school, but here are some others for all the fields you're things of (with safeties, targets, and reaches)

Crim. Justice/Law:

- Sam Houston State University

- George Mason University

- Hilbert College

- CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice (#1 in the country according to Niche)

- Florida State University

- Ohio State

- University of Florida

- University of Pennsylvania

- Boston University (I'm a Boston Native - genuinely one of the best places ever)

- UC Berkeley (I have a friend who goes here - it's a good school for law)


- University of Arizona

- UC Boulder

- Seattle University

- Purdue University

- Clemson University

- Pace University

- UC Santa Barbara

- University of Southern California (USC)

- Yale University

- UChicago


- University of Utah

- Oklahoma State University

- Texas Tech University

- University of Wahington

- University of Georgia

- Boston university


- UMich

Hope this helps!

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