2 years ago
UCLA prospective students

International student questions

I'm an international student, and i'm curious if it's true that the UC admissions officers will pay less attention to Freshman and Senior Year grades? and if that's true, my country only has 3 levels of high school (10th,11th,12th). So that means they will only pay more attention to my 11th grade scores (?)

@KieraBryant12 days ago

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2 answers

2 years ago

It was my Junior year of high school, and I was already feeling the pressure of college applications. My guidance counselor had told me that the UCs were looking for well-rounded students, and that grades from all four years of high school would be taken into consideration.

So, while it is true that the UCs will pay less attention to Freshman and Senior year grades, it's not because they're not important. The UCs just place more emphasis on grades from the years when students are typically taking the most challenging courses.

So, you should not worry about that and should think over how you are going to studyat college or university in general.

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2 years ago

Admissions officers at all colleges will pay the most attention to your junior year grades. If you apply regular decision, they will also care about your first semester senior grades. Your grades as a sophomore are weighed more than your freshman year grades, but not as heavily as your more recent academic performance.

In your case, admissions officers will pay the most attention to your 11th grade scores. If your transcript has any 12th grade scores, they will place more importance on those than your 10th grade performance. Hope this helps!

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