a year ago
UCLA prospective students

Summer High School Opportunities Internships/Free Programs

For current sophomores in high school (10th grade) that are from prestigious colleges like Columbia, Princeton, MIT, or Cornell, etcetera. Also, please don’t recommend CA climate youth policy leaders or Stanford Department of Surgery’s High School Mentorship Program in Academic Healthcare Administration, because those have been done in freshman year. The student completed a part-time summer internship at a semiconductor company as a high school intern in the summer of their 8th-grade year going into high school. In their 9th grade year, the student served as a teacher assistant to a math teacher in the same subject that they were currently enrolled in. The student is currently volunteering at a non-profit as a Chief Product Officer and is an ambassador at SportsHi. The student has also received monetary awards such as Student of the Month twice (9th grade and 10th grade) and Student of the Year (9th grade). The student also won 3rd Place in the Lockheed Martin Design Challenge, which was issued by the Society of Women Engineers Conference at SJSU and Lockheed Martin. Preferably free programs that accept anyone without racial or income bias and are merit-based. Also, is this student on the right track for extracurriculars for acceptance into a prestigious college, and if not anything this person can do to improve their chances at college?


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What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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