Subha Subramanian


Subha Subramanian


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If you need to craft your best common app essay with unlimited offline back and forth, use this package. I will provide feedback on your topic, the structure of the essay, conceptual ideas, transitions between paragraphs and share advice for a strong beginning and ending. Of course, we will cover any issues with general proofreading as well.


Make sure your essay shines, with sentences that are clear, and support the overall points of your essay. Space is limited, so make sure every word pulls its weight. Lose or loose? It's or its? I can help review your essay so there are no typos and your ideas are not lost somewhere in the mix. Proofreading suggestions only. One round of with comprehensive feedback and edits.


Make sure your essay shines, with sentences that are clear, and support the overall points of your essay. Space is limited, so make sure every word pulls its weight. Lose or loose? It's or its? I can help review your essay so there are no typos and your ideas are not lost somewhere in the mix. Proofreading suggestions only. One round of with comprehensive feedback and edits.


Use this for unlimited revisions for your longer essays (> 500 words). You can submit your essay via a doc (share with the link), and we can revisit that doc with unlimited edits until we are both satisfied. I will offer conceptual comments and specific editorial suggestions. Not for common app essay.


Review of draft (via docs) for all additional essays that are less than 500 words for a school, with unlimited offline feedback. I will offer brainstorming help, conceptual help, and specific editorial comments. This option is great for "Why this major", "Why this college" questions for schools that you are particularly interested in. Not for UC PIQ or longer essays targeted at a specific program offered by the school. One package per school.


If you need help with your common app essays and UC essays (with unlimited offline edits), pick this package. I will help you with conceptual comments, structure of your essays, "show, don't tell" and specific editorial suggestions until we are both happy with the result. Note: all the work is done offline with lots of back and forth with comments via Google docs.


If you are looking for unlimited offline help with your common app essay as well as 4 other (non-UC) essays that are less than 500 words in length, sign up for this package. I will help with conceptual comments and specific editorial suggestions until we are both happy with the result. This works well for essays that include "why this major" and "why this college" type of questions, with hints to reuse these essays for other colleges as well.


Unlimited rounds of comprehensive offline reviews of your shorter essays (less than 500 words).


Get unlimited rounds of edits with comprehensive feedback for any 12 essays. If you have your Common App essay ready and need to review supplemental essays, this is the package for you. Note: UC PIQ and essays > 500 words are not covered by this package.


Get unlimited rounds of edits with comprehensive feedback for the Common App + 10 essays. If you are ready to start applying and need to make sure everything looks good, this is the package for you. Note: UC PIQ and essays > 500 words are not covered by this package.


If you need help with your UC PIQ essays, pick this package. Essays are a critical part of your UC application, and we will work on making your essays reflect your personality in a way that's engaging and authentic.


Get unlimited rounds of edits with comprehensive feedback for any 17 essays. If you have your Common App essay ready and need to review supplemental essays, this is the package for you. Note: UC PIQ and essays > 500 words are not covered by this package.


Get unlimited rounds of edits with comprehensive feedback for any 5 essays. If you have your Common App essay ready and need to review supplemental essays, this is the package for you. Note: UC PIQ and essays > 500 words are not covered by this package.

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