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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What sports medicine classes should I take in high school if I'm interested in that field?

Hello fellow future healthcare pros! I'm really keen on sports medicine and was wondering if any of you have taken classes related to that in high school. Which ones do you recommend, and how have they helped shape your understanding of the field?

5 months ago

Hello there! It's great to hear about your interest in sports medicine. While your high school may not have courses labeled 'sports medicine,' there are definitely classes that can build a strong foundation for your future studies in the field.

I recommend focusing on science courses, like biology and human anatomy if available, as they will give you a grounding in how the body works. If your school offers any elective courses in health or kinesiology, those would be directly applicable as well.

Beyond the classroom, look into volunteer opportunities or internships with physical therapists, sports teams, or fitness centers to get hands-on experience. Not only do these experiences look great on college applications, but they also give you practical insight into the field of sports medicine. Keep up your enthusiasm and continue to seek out opportunities that align with your interests!

5 months ago

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