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What are the hardest math classes in high school?

So, I’m mapping out my schedule for the rest of high school and I want to challenge myself but not overload. What are the hardest math classes in high school you guys have taken? How did you manage the workload and did it benefit you in the college admissions process?

5 months ago

Hello there! That's a great initiative you're taking to challenge yourself. Generally speaking, the most rigorous math courses in high school include Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus AB and BC, AP Statistics, and for some, Multivariable Calculus (which might be offered at your school or at a local college).

Managing the workload in these classes often requires good time-management skills, dedication, and sometimes outside help like tutoring if you find yourself struggling. From an admissions standpoint, taking these challenging courses can benefit you, since colleges often look for students who take the most rigorous coursework available to them. They demonstrate your readiness for college-level work, particularly if you’re aiming for a STEM-related field, and at highly selective schools, showing that you can push yourself is always a plus, even if you're interested in a more humanities focused major.

That being said, you want to be honest with yourself about whether you can handle the workload before enrolling in one of these classes, as a poor grade, even in an exceptionally challenging class, won't do you any favors in college admissions. If you're wondering whether it'll be too much for you, reach out to the teacher, and maybe talk to your current math teacher as well, to learn more about the specific material covered and how it aligns with your strengths as a math student.

Good luck with your course planning!

5 months ago

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