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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How teacher recommendations on Common App really work?

Can someone break down for me how teacher recommendations are handled on the Common App? How many do I need, and what's the process for getting them submitted right?

a year ago

I'm happy to explain how teacher recommendations work on the Common App for you. Typically, colleges ask for one to two letters of recommendation from teachers who've taught you in core academic subjects. The Common App itself allows you to invite up to 20 teachers to submit recommendations, but remember, you won't be submitting 20 letters; this just provides some flexibility for different college requirements. To ensure a smooth process, follow these steps:

1. Before anything else, ask your teachers in person if they're willing to write a strong recommendation for you.

2. After they agree, you'll create a Common App account and add your schools to the 'My Colleges' tab.

3. Each college's section will show you the specific recommendation requirements.

4. Navigate to the 'Recommendations and FERPA' section where you'll release your FERPA rights (this means you waive the right to review all recommendations and forms), which colleges prefer.

5. Then, you can use the 'Invite Recommenders' link to send an email request to your teachers.

6. Your teachers will receive instructions on how to submit their letters online.

Please do give your teachers plenty of notice, ideally a month or more, and ensure they're aware of submission deadlines. You might also consider providing recommenders with a resume or summary of your achievements to help them craft a more personalized and detailed letter.

a year ago

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