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Are there strong public health programs at HBCUs?

I'm super passionate about public health and considering an HBCU for college. Does anyone know how the public health programs at HBCUs stack up? Are there specific schools known for their excellence in this field?

5 months ago

Yes, there are several HBCUs with reputable public health programs. For example, Morehouse College offers a major in Public Health through its Department of Sociology, with a focus on addressing health disparities. Another notable HBCU with strong offerings in public health is Howard University. Howard's College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences offers various programs, including a Bachelor of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science with a public health perspective, and the school's location in Washington, D.C. means you'll have good access to federal research going on in healthcare.

Additionally, Xavier University of Louisiana is known for its College of Pharmacy, which includes public health components in its curriculum, and prepares students for a wide range of careers in the health sector. Finally, Morgan State University's Public Health program focuses on urban health and social justice issues, which are particularly relevant today.

As you're evaluating these programs, consider the unique focus areas each offers and how they align with your more specific interests in the field of public health, as well as potential partnerships with organizations in the field, as such connections could be beneficial to you when you're eventually searching for a job. Best of luck finding the right school for you!

5 months ago

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