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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is a 3.8 GPA good for top-tier colleges?

Hey folks, just a bit stressed out here. I’ve managed to get a 3.8 GPA so far and I’m wondering if that’s solid for schools like the Ivies or other top-tier institutions. Would a 3.8 GPA be competitive, or do I need to set my bar even higher to get noticed?

9 months ago

I understand the pressure you’re feeling! A 3.8 GPA is certainly strong and indicative of a high level of academic achievement. At top-tier colleges, the majority of applicants are academically qualified, so the differences in GPA are often marginal.

It's important to remember that while GPA is crucial, these schools use a holistic review process, so they'll also consider the rigor of your courses, your essays, recommendation letters, and extracurriculars. If your 3.8 GPA includes challenging courses like AP or IB classes, that adds to the robustness of your academic profile. Keep pushing for excellence in all areas of your application to make the strongest case for admission.

9 months ago

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