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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Fastweb Scholarships: Worth it or Not?

I heard about Fastweb as a resource to look for scholarships, but I also saw mixed reviews online. Has anyone here had any success using Fastweb, and is it worth investing time into for scholarship searches? Any feedback would be much appreciated!

4 months ago

Hi there! I understand your concern with finding trustworthy scholarship resources. Fastweb can definitely be a helpful tool when it comes to searching for scholarships. It compiles a database of scholarships from various sources, making it easier for you to find opportunities tailored to your background and interests. That being said, the experience varies from person to person. Some people have had great success using Fastweb, while others have found it less helpful. It largely depends on the effort you put into searching and applying for scholarships.

I would recommend trying Fastweb for yourself and see if it works for you. You can also use other resources like CollegeVine which offers a useful scholarship search feature alongside other tools to aid your college admissions journey. In the end, the more opportunities you explore, the better chance you have of securing scholarships. Just remember to stay proactive and organized in managing scholarship applications. Good luck on your quest for scholarships!

4 months ago

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