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Princeton vs. Yale: Help me decide!

Hey guys! I'm a junior trying to decide which colleges to apply to, and I'm stuck between Princeton and Yale. I know they're both great, but can anyone provide some information on what distinguishes one from the other (academics, campus vibe, extracurriculars, etc.)? I'm undecided on my major, if that helps.

4 months ago

First of all, congratulations on being in a position to choose between two amazing schools! I can understand how this can be a tough decision, so let me provide you with some points to consider while making your choice.

Academics-wise, both Princeton and Yale offer a rigorous and high-quality education. However, Princeton is known for its strong focus on undergraduate education and mentorship, while Yale is famous for its humanities programs and law school.

The campus vibes differ as well. Princeton has a smaller, more suburban atmosphere, while Yale is located in a small city. This means there might be more off-campus opportunities at Yale for internships or cultural experiences. Social life can differ, too: Princeton has its famed eating clubs, while Yale has its residential college system.

Extracurriculars are exciting at both schools, but the opportunities available might vary based on your interests. Do some research on clubs and organizations at each university, and see which ones align better with your passions!

Since you're undecided on your major, explore the departments and programs each school has to offer. Which one has more majors that appeal to you? Consider visiting both campuses and talking to current students to get a feel for the community and atmosphere.

Ultimately, it's about where you can see yourself thriving and growing both academically and personally. Good luck with your decision!

4 months ago

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