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Talents, awards and honors examples

I'm preparing my college applications and need to add my talents, awards, and honors. I'm not sure what to include, so does anyone have examples of what would be considered impressive or worthwhile to mention on the applications? Much appreciated!

5 months ago

Of course! It's important to showcase your accomplishments in your college applications. Here's a list of examples to give you an idea of what types of talents, awards, and honors are considered impressive or worthwhile to mention on college applications. Keep in mind that it's best to highlight your own unique achievements and activities, even if they don't fall into these categories.

1. National or international academic competitions: These could include Science Olympiad, Math Olympiad, National History Day, Quiz Bowl championships, and similar competitions where you've placed highly.

2. Major scholarship or fellowship awards: These may include programs like the National Merit Scholarship, Coca-Cola Scholars, or other merit-based scholarships.

3. Artistic or musical accomplishments: These could include awards from national competitions, regional honors ensembles or bands, or art exhibitions at prestigious galleries or events.

4. Service-oriented awards: Awards for exceptional community service, like the President's Volunteer Service Award or recognition from local charities or organizations.

5. State, regional, or national recognition in athletics: This might include being named to all-state or all-region teams, winning state championships, or qualifying for national competitions.

6. Leadership roles and awards: Being elected as a student body president, class officer, or holding significant leadership roles in clubs or organizations, exemplified by receiving leadership awards.

7. Research and publications: Completing original research or being published in a reputable academic journal, presenting at a conference, or participating in research internships can demonstrate your dedication and prowess in a particular subject area.

8. Exclusive summer programs: Participation in selective programs, such as Governor's School, Research Science Institute, or other specialized and competitive programs, showcases your commitment to a specific field.

9. Participation in specialized academic programs: This may include dual-enrollment courses, honors programs, or advanced STEM or humanities offerings at your school or another institution.

10. Language proficiency accomplishments: Proficiency in multiple languages or winning language competitions, such as National Spanish Exam or Chinese Speech Competition, can showcase your language skills and global mindset.

These are just examples, and you should focus on highlighting your own unique achievements that best represent you as a candidate. Remember to emphasize your most significant accomplishments, as these will demonstrate your dedication, passion, and success in your chosen areas.

5 months ago

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