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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What does a 3.0 GPA mean?

Hey everyone, I was wondering what's the meaning of a 3.0 GPA? Like, is it considered good, average, or low? I'm trying to get a better understanding of where my GPA stands for college admissions. Thanks in advance!

a year ago

First, it's important to note that which GPAs are considered good, average, or low may vary depending on your course rigor and the specific college or university you are interested in applying to. However, a 3.0 GPA typically falls in the middle of the spectrum, and is thus considered average. While it isn't usually seen as exceptionally high, it's not seen as low either.

For more competitive schools, though, a 3.0 GPA might be considered below average, whereas for less competitive schools, it may be seen as above average. It's a good idea to research the average GPAs of admitted students at the colleges and universities you're interested in to get a better understanding of what they may be looking for in terms of GPA and how your 3.0 GPA compares. This information can typically be found on the institution's official admissions website or through a web search.

If you're wondering which schools a 3.0 GPA would be competitive at, you can find a list of colleges that regularly accept applicants with a 3.0 on CollegeVine's blog: Keep in mind, though, that this list is hardly exhaustive, and there are plenty of other options out there for you.

Finally, remember that maintaining a rigorous course load (taking honors or Advanced Placement classes) can positively impact your application, even if your GPA is not as high as you might like. Colleges prefer students who are willing to challenge themselves academically, rather than do well by coasting.

I hope this helps, and good luck with your college process!

a year ago

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