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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What does a 1490 SAT score mean in terms of percentiles?

Hey everyone, I took the SAT and received a 1490. I was curious about the percentile that corresponds to this score - basically, where I stand when compared to other test-takers. Could anyone provide this info?

4 months ago

Hello! A 1490 on the SAT is an excellent score! In terms of percentiles, a score of 1490 typically falls around the 96-98th percentile. This means you scored higher than approximately 96-98% of test-takers. Keep in mind that percentiles might vary slightly depending on the specific test administration. Nevertheless, with a 1490, you have a competitive score for most colleges and universities, and your score can help you stand out among other applicants. Congratulations on your achievement!

4 months ago

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