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What are common pre-health requirements?

Hey, I'm thinking about going into a pre-health program in college, but wanted to know what kind of prerequisites or coursework is usually required? Is there anything I can do now to prepare myself?

5 months ago

Hey there! Pre-health programs are a great choice if you're interested in pursuing a career in the healthcare field. While specific prerequisites may vary depending on the college and program you choose, most pre-health programs require students to complete certain foundational coursework, often aligned with the prerequisites for their desired professional schools (e.g., medical, dental, veterinary). Common pre-health courses include:

1. Biology: One year of general biology with labs, and possibly additional courses like genetics, microbiology, or cell biology.

2. Chemistry: One year of general chemistry with labs and one year of organic chemistry with labs. Some programs may also require one semester of biochemistry.

3. Physics: One year of general physics with labs.

4. Mathematics: One or two semesters of calculus and/or statistics, depending on the program and professional school requirements.

5. Social Sciences: Courses in psychology, sociology, or anthropology may be required or recommended.

6. English: One year of college-level English, focusing on composition and/or literature.

7. Humanities: Some programs might recommend or require a few humanities courses, such as ethics, philosophy, or medical humanities.

As for preparing yourself now, you can focus on doing well in your high school science and math courses to build a strong foundation. Participating in science clubs, research opportunities, or volunteering in healthcare settings can further strengthen your background and interest in the pre-health field. Additionally, you can research colleges with strong pre-health programs and explore the specific requirements of their programs, allowing you to tailor your high school course selection accordingly.

5 months ago

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