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Does NHS matter for college applications?

Hey guys, I'm in my junior year and I just got accepted into my school's National Honor Society. I know it's a big deal, but I was wondering, does being a part of NHS really carry much weight when applying to colleges?

9 months ago

Congratulations on being accepted into the National Honor Society! NHS membership does hold some weight in college applications, but its impact on your chances of admission will depend on several factors.

While NHS membership shows your commitment to academics, service, and leadership, it is a relatively common extracurricular in the eyes of most admissions committees. For example, it would fall under Tier 3 or 4 of the 4 Tiers of Extracurriculars. As a result, it may not significantly set you apart from other applicants to highly competitive schools, where many students likely have similar achievements.

That said, being an active member of NHS and taking on leadership roles within the organization can make your involvement more impressive. If you can demonstrate consistent involvement, initiative, and a meaningful impact through your participation in NHS, these qualities will help strengthen your college applications.

Additionally, your entire application profile matters, so it's important to complement your NHS membership with other strong extracurriculars or a highly-developed specialty (a "spike") in a specific field. This will help create a well-rounded application that showcases your various strengths and interests.

For more information on finding your spike click here: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-find-your-college-application-spike/

In summary, while NHS membership alone may not be a game-changer for your college applications, it is still a valuable and respected extracurricular to include. Being an active member and highlighting your dedication and impact within the organization can help enhance your application's overall strength.

9 months ago

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