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Need Help with College Essay about Mental Health

So, I'm thinking about writing my college essay about my struggle with mental health, but I'm not sure how to approach it. Any tips on what to focus on or avoid? I want to be genuine and honest but at the same time, I don't want to overshare. Thanks for the help!

5 months ago

It's important to choose a topic for your college essay that not only allows you to share your personal growth but also doesn't come across as too heavy or overshare. When writing about mental health, keep the following tips in mind:

1. Focus on growth and resilience: emphasize how you have grown and learned from your mental health journey. Discuss any coping mechanisms or transformative experiences that have helped you become a stronger individual.

2. Be specific and personal: instead of writing a general essay about mental health, use specific examples or anecdotes from your own life that demonstrate your unique experience. This will help your essay stand out from others with similar themes.

3. Avoid negative language or generalizations: when discussing your mental health experiences, be mindful of the language you use. Avoid using negative or overly emotional language that might make the reader feel uncomfortable. Additionally, avoid making sweeping statements or generalizations about mental health; focus on your own story and perspective.

4. Make connections to your future goals and aspirations: discuss how your mental health experiences have influenced your career, academic, or personal goals. This can help show the reader that you are forward-thinking and have learned valuable skills from your journey.

5. Maintain a balanced tone: while it's important to share your vulnerability, also strive to keep a tone of optimism and hope. Your essay should leave the reader with the impression that you have come out stronger on the other side and are ready for the challenges that college and beyond may bring.

6. Know when to seek help: if you find it challenging to write about your mental health experiences, consider working with a school counselor, teacher, or a private admissions counselor who can guide you through the process.

Remember, colleges want to see an honest depiction of your experiences and growth. Approaching your mental health essay with these tips can help you strike a balance between sharing your story and respecting the sensitivity of the topic. Good luck!

5 months ago

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