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Is WGU a degree mill?

I've heard mixed opinions about Western Governors University (WGU) and I'm a bit confused. Can anyone tell me if WGU is a degree mill or a legitimate online university? I want to make sure I'm investing my time and money in a reputable institution.

a year ago

WGU is not a degree mill; it is a legitimate online university that is regionally accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU). Accreditation by a regional accrediting agency, such as the NWCCU, is a strong indicator of a reputable institution as regional accreditation is the gold standard for higher education institutions in the United States.

Western Governors University is a non-profit, competency-based university that was founded by a group of U.S. governors in 1997. It offers degree programs in fields such as business, teacher education, information technology, and healthcare. One of the unique features of WGU is its competency-based learning model, which allows students to progress through their courses as they demonstrate mastery of the course material rather than relying on a traditional semester-based calendar. This enables students to potentially complete their degree faster if they have prior experience or knowledge in their field of study.

However, WGU may not be the right fit for everyone, as its learning model requires a high level of self-motivation, discipline, and time management skills. It is essential to carefully evaluate your learning style, career goals, and personal circumstances when considering enrolling at WGU or any other online university. It is also helpful to read reviews from current and former students and speak with admissions counselors to gather more information about the university and its programs.

To learn more, read this information:

In summary, Western Governors University is a legitimate online university with regional accreditation, making it a reputable institution to earn a degree from. However, it's crucial to ensure that the competency-based learning model aligns with your learning style and educational needs before committing to enrollment.

a year ago

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