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Ivy League race demographics: how diverse are they?

Hey everyone! I'm thinking about applying to some Ivy League schools and I'm curious about their racial demographics. How diverse is the student body at these schools? Is there a significant difference in representation among these schools? Really appreciate any information you guys can provide.

8 months ago

Hello! Great question. Ivy League schools value diversity and make an effort to create a diverse student body. However, the demographics at each school might vary. Here's a general breakdown of the racial demographics at Ivy League universities (keep in mind that these numbers are approximate and might differ slightly from year to year):

1. Harvard University:

- White: 42%

- Asian: 20%

- Hispanic: 12%

- Black: 10%

- Two or more races: 6%

2. Yale University:

- White: 42%

- Asian: 21%

- Hispanic: 13%

- Black: 9%

- Two or more races: 5%

3. Princeton University:

- White: 49%

- Asian: 25%

- Hispanic: 11%

- Black: 8%

- Two or more races: 4%

4. University of Pennsylvania:

- White: 40%

- Asian: 21%

- Hispanic: 11%

- Black: 8%

- Two or more races: 5%

5. Columbia University:

- White: 42%

- Asian: 20%

- Hispanic: 14%

- Black: 10%

- Two or more races: 5%

6. Dartmouth College:

- White: 48%

- Asian: 17%

- Hispanic: 10%

- Black: 7%

- Two or more races: 6%

7. Brown University:

- White: 45%

- Asian: 20%

- Hispanic: 13%

- Black: 7%

- Two or more races: 6%

8. Cornell University:

- White: 45%

- Asian: 20%

- Hispanic: 13%

- Black: 6%

- Two or more races: 6%

As you can see, there is some variation in representation across the Ivy League schools; however, all of them maintain a level of diversity within their student populations. It's important to keep in mind that these statistics may change over time as schools continue to work on promoting inclusivity and broadening their perspectives.

When considering which schools to apply to, remember that demographics are just one factor to consider. It's essential to look at other aspects like academic programs, campus culture, and extracurricular opportunities to find the school that's the right fit for you. Good luck with your applications!

8 months ago

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