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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Calc AB vs. BC: Do colleges really care which one I take?

I'm trying to decide between taking Calc AB or BC, and I'm wondering if colleges will actually care about which one I took. Would it make a big difference in admissions, or is it more about challenging myself and getting a good understanding of the material?

4 months ago

In terms of college admissions, the most important factor is the rigor of your overall course load. Taking either Calculus AB or BC will show that you've challenged yourself with advanced math coursework. However, the choice between the two courses should depend on your personal academic goals, your comfort level with math, and how it aligns with your potential college major or career path.

Calc BC is generally considered more rigorous since it covers additional material and moves at a faster pace than Calc AB. If you plan to major in a math-heavy field such as engineering, physics, or computer science, taking Calc BC might better prepare you for college-level courses in those subjects.

On the other hand, if you're not especially comfortable with math or you have other academic priorities to focus on, Calc AB might be a more suitable choice. Colleges won't penalize you for choosing AB over BC, as long as you're still engaging in a challenging and well-rounded course of study.

4 months ago

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