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Importance of first marking period grades?

Quick question, how important are first marking period grades when it comes to college admissions? I'm trying my best to keep up my grades, but I'm finding junior year to be really hard. I want to make sure that my first marking period grades won't hurt my chances of getting into my dream college.

3 months ago

First marking period grades do matter in the college admissions process, but keep in mind that your cumulative GPA, course rigor, and overall academic performance throughout your high school years are ultimately more important. Your junior year is a critical time in your high school career, as it's one of the last chances to demonstrate your academic abilities to colleges before applying.

That being said, colleges understand that students may face challenges and can experience fluctuations in their grades. They will pay attention to your academic performance across all four years of high school, focusing on trends in your grades. For example, if you started with lower grades and improved over time, this can be seen as a positive sign of growth and resilience.

If you find yourself struggling during the first marking period of junior year, it's important to address any difficulties and seek support. Reach out to your teachers, school counselors, or academic tutors for help with challenging course material. Demonstrating a strong commitment to improvement and finishing the year on a high note can help mitigate the impact of lower grades early in the year.

In summary, while first marking period grades do hold some weight in college admissions, your entire academic performance throughout high school will be considered more. Maintain a focus on improvement and resilience, and don't hesitate to seek help when needed. Remember that colleges are looking for well-rounded and dedicated individuals, and overcoming challenges can make for a compelling narrative in your application.

3 months ago

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