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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is Western Governors University a diploma mill?

I've been hearing about Western Governors University lately and I'm a bit skeptical. Is it a reputable institution or just another diploma mill? I don't want to waste my time or money on something that won't look good on my resume. Thanks in advance!

8 months ago

Western Governors University (WGU) is certainly not a diploma mill. It is an accredited and reputable online university that offers bachelor's and master's degree programs. WGU has been regionally accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU), which is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. This type of accreditation, regional accreditation, is the most respected and widely recognized form of accreditation for educational institutions in the United States.

WGU uses a competency-based learning model, which allows students to progress at their own pace by demonstrating mastery of a subject through assessments, rather than completing coursework in a traditional semester-based format. This model provides flexibility for working professionals or others who may have commitments outside of their education. While the learning model is different than the traditional approach, it doesn't make WGU any less legitimate.

However, it's important to note that WGU might not be the right fit for everyone. Some people thrive in a more traditional classroom setting with face-to-face interaction and may not find the self-paced, online format suitable for their learning style. Additionally, some employers and industries may value degrees from well-known and prestigious institutions more than degrees from even a reputable online university like WGU.

It's essential to consider your goals and the field you're pursuing before committing to any educational institution. Your experience at WGU would certainly be different from the classic, residential college experience. But, if you decide WGU is a good fit for you, you can have confidence in the quality of education you'd be receiving.

Good luck with your future endeavors!

8 months ago

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