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Hunter College High School vs Stuyvesant

Hey everyone! I'm a high school student trying to decide between Stuyvesant High School and Hunter College for next year. Can anyone highlight the differences between them in terms of academics, extracurriculars, and overall environment? Which would you recommend for someone interested in STEM fields?

4 months ago

Hello! Both Stuyvesant High School and Hunter College High School are excellent options and have strong reputations in New York City. Let's break down the differences between them in terms of academics, extracurriculars, and overall environment.


Stuyvesant High School is known for its advanced STEM curriculum and is considered a top NYC public school for students interested in STEM fields. The school offers a wide range of AP courses, as well as specialized science and math options that can challenge and engage students with a passion for these subjects.

Hunter College High School, on the other hand, is known for a more well-rounded and liberal arts-focused curriculum. It has a strong humanities program with rigorous coursework in English, history, and social sciences. Although known for its humanities, Hunter still offers strong STEM courses and opportunities for students to build a solid foundation in these fields.


Both schools offer a wide range of extracurricular activities for students to explore their interests outside the classroom. Stuyvesant has numerous STEM-related clubs, such as robotics, computer science, and math clubs, as well as opportunities to participate in research programs and competitions. Hunter also has a variety of clubs and extracurriculars, but its offerings are more diverse, catering to students with interests in STEM, humanities, and visual/performing arts.

Overall Environment:

Stuyvesant has a larger student body, which may lead to a more competitive environment. Some students appreciate the challenging and ambitious atmosphere, while others may find it stressful. Hunter College High School has a smaller student population, which can foster a more close-knit community and personalized learning experience.

In summary, if you are singularly passionate about STEM and thrive in a competitive environment, Stuyvesant may be the better fit. However, if you prefer a smaller, more intimate environment, and have a range of interests outside of STEM, Hunter College High School might be the right choice. Ultimately, the best decision will be based on your personal preferences, learning style, and academic/social needs. Good luck deciding!

4 months ago

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