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UCLA vs UCSB: Which one should I go to as a business major?

Hey! I've been accepted to both UCLA and UC Santa Barbara (UCSB) for my major in business administration, but now I'm struggling with the decision. Can anyone help me compare the academic experience, internship opportunities, and campus life between these two schools? Your advice would be greatly appreciated!

4 months ago

Congratulations on your acceptances! Both UCLA and UCSB are excellent schools, but there are some differences between the two, so I'll help you compare them in terms of their business programs, internship opportunities, and campus life.

Academic experience:

UCLA is known for its prestigious Anderson School of Management, which offers a strong business program and is consistently well ranked. Students at UCLA benefit from smaller class sizes, a broad range of elective courses, and access to influential business leaders through guest lectures and networking events.

UCSB's business program is hosted in its College of Letters and Science. Although it may not be as renowned as UCLA's Anderson School, students can still receive a solid business education through both broad coursework and opportunities to specialize and tailor the experience to their own interests.

Internship opportunities:

UCLA, being located in Los Angeles, offers greater access to various industries, from entertainment to finance to technology. Networking opportunities and business-related events are plentiful, and being in such a large city provides a broader range of potential internships and job opportunities.

UCSB, situated in a smaller community, may have fewer options in terms of internships and networking. However, it's possible to build connections and find opportunities through on-campus events, career fairs, and internships in nearby cities, such as Santa Barbara or even Los Angeles, during summers.

Campus life:

UCLA's campus is located in the bustling Westwood neighborhood of Los Angeles. Students will have access to numerous cultural attractions, dining options, and entertainment venues within the city. Although UCLA has a large student population, campus life tends to be very lively, with various events, clubs, and activities available to engage students.

UCSB is located on a beautiful campus in the beach town of Isla Vista near Santa Barbara. With its location right by the ocean, students often take advantage of the beach and outdoor recreational activities. While UCSB is also quite active with its clubs and social life, its smaller and more isolated community lends a very different vibe from that of UCLA.

Ultimately, your decision should depend on your priorities and preferences. If you value a highly-ranked business program with extensive networking and internship opportunities in a vibrant city, UCLA might be a better fit. However, if you prefer a more intimate campus setting with a strong sense of community and plenty of outdoor activities, UCSB might be the right choice.

My advice would be to visit both campuses if possible, speak to current students, and consider which environment would be the best for your personal and academic growth. Good luck with your decision!

4 months ago

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