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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What is the Clemson Bridge Program?

Hi everyone, I've heard about the Clemson Bridge Program, but I don't know much about it. Could someone explain its purpose and how it works? Thanks!

4 months ago

Hello! Sure, I can provide an overview of the Clemson Bridge Program. The Bridge to Clemson University program is a collaboration between Clemson University and Tri-County Technical College (TCTC). This program is designed for students who have shown potential to succeed at Clemson but didn't gain direct admission due to the highly competitive applicant pool. Through the Bridge Program, students have the opportunity to improve academically and meet the requirements necessary for a smooth transition to Clemson.

In the Bridge Program, students will spend their first academic year at TCTC, where they are expected to complete a minimum of 30 credit hours of coursework, maintaining a 2.5 GPA or higher. Participants will concurrently be enrolled as Clemson students and have access to Clemson's campus, clubs, and resources. Additionally, specialized advisors are assigned to help Bridge students with their academic and personal growth, ensuring a successful experience at TCTC.

After successfully completing their first year at TCTC, Bridge students can transfer to Clemson University as sophomores. They are then eligible to pursue any of Clemson's undergraduate degree programs, with credits earned at TCTC applied towards their chosen major.

Keep in mind that admission to the Bridge Program is by invitation only. Clemson's Admissions Office identifies potential Bridge Program candidates from the pool of applicants, so students cannot directly apply for it. Overall, the Bridge Program offers an alternative pathway for students who didn't receive direct admission to Clemson but still want to pursue their education at the university. It provides both academic support and a sense of community to ensure students' success in transitioning to Clemson.

4 months ago

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