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What are the different types of associate degrees?

Hey everyone, I'm thinking about my options for college and I'd like to learn more about the various types of associate degrees available. Can someone break down the main types and the fields they're popular in? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello! I'd be happy to provide an overview of the main types of associate degrees. There are two primary types of associate degrees: Associate of Arts (AA) and Associate of Science (AS). Additionally, there is the Associate of Applied Science (AAS), which focuses on technical and vocational fields. I'll explain each of them below.

1. Associate of Arts (AA): These degrees are popular in liberal arts majors, such as English, history, psychology, and other humanities subjects. AA degrees are designed to be transferrable, meaning you can typically apply your credits toward a bachelor's degree in a related field. This degree is an excellent choice if you wish to complete the first two years of a 4-year degree at a community college and then transfer to a four-year university.

2. Associate of Science (AS): AS degrees are meant for students who are particularly interested in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields. Like AA degrees, AS degrees are designed to transfer to a 4-year university to continue your education in a related bachelor's degree program. Examples of fields popular with AS degrees include biology, chemistry, physics, computer science, and engineering.

3. Associate of Applied Science (AAS): AAS degrees have a focus on technical and vocational fields. They are designed to prepare students for direct entry into the workforce after completing the degree. AAS degrees typically do not transfer as easily into a bachelor's degree program, but they do allow you to complete your education faster and start working sooner. Popular fields for AAS degrees include automotive technology, culinary arts, nursing, dental hygiene, and information technology.

It's important to consider your long-term career goals when deciding which type of associate degree is best for you. If you plan on transferring to a four-year college, an AA or AS degree may suit you better. However, if you're looking to enter the workforce quickly and don't plan on pursuing further education in the near future, an AAS degree might be the better choice.

Good luck with your decision-making process, and I hope this information helps!

a year ago

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