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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How to get a copy of my high school diploma online?

Hey y'all, I need a copy of my high school diploma for a college application, but I misplaced my physical copy. Is there a way to get a copy online or should I contact my high school directly? Any advice would be appreciated!

4 months ago

Hi there! While some high schools may have systems in place for providing digital copies of diplomas, the most reliable way to obtain a copy of your high school diploma is to contact your high school directly. You can reach out to the school's main office or the registrar's office, as they usually handle diploma requests. They will help guide you through the process, which may involve filling out a request form and possibly paying a small fee.

When you reach out, be sure to clearly state the reason for your request (college application) and inquire about the method they use to send the diploma (physical or digital copy). If you need the copy urgently, let them know the deadline and ask about expedited options—do be aware you may need to pay for some of them. Remember to provide your full name, graduation year, and any other necessary identification information to ensure a smooth request process.

Good luck with your college application!

4 months ago

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