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Public Health vs Biology Major

Hey everyone! I'm trying to decide between majoring in public health or biology, but I'm having trouble figuring out the pros and cons of each. Can anyone here share their experiences or knowledge about these majors, including potential job opportunities, internships, and overall satisfaction with the major?

4 months ago

Hi there! It's a great question because both public health and biology majors can offer rewarding academic experiences and career opportunities. That being said, they cater to slightly different interests and goals.

Public Health:

As a public health major, you'll be focusing on topics related to improving health and well-being at community, regional, and global levels. The curriculum may encompass elements of policy, social sciences, statistics, and environmental health. Often interdisciplinary, this major opens doors to not only health-related careers but also those in policy, management, and even global affairs.

Potential job opportunities include working as health educators, community health workers, epidemiologists, or healthcare administrators. Internships in public health may involve government agencies, NGOs, research centers, and international health organizations.


Biology is a more traditional natural science major. It revolves around studying living organisms, their structure and function, as well as their interactions with the environment. Coursework often includes genetics, ecology, evolution, and physiology. It provides a broader and more diverse background in science, which could lead to a wider range of careers and fields of study.

Some common jobs for biology majors include biology researchers, lab technicians, genetic counselors, or biotechnology professionals. Internships might involve working at research labs, biotech/pharmaceutical companies, or natural resource management agencies.

Overall satisfaction with each major can largely depend on your personal interests and goals. If you're passionate about healthcare, social issues, and enjoy interdisciplinary approaches, public health might be the right choice for you. On the other hand, if you have a strong interest in understanding living organisms at a more fundamental level and prefer focusing on the sciences, biology might be a better fit.

In summary, both majors have their unique advantages and opportunities. But ultimately, your personal interests, goals, and how they align with the major will determine your satisfaction and success in either path. Good luck with your decision!

4 months ago

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