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Harvard College vs Harvard University: What's the Difference?

I've been seeing both Harvard College and Harvard University mentioned, and I'm a bit confused. Can someone clarify what the main differences are between the two, especially in terms of academics and campus life? Thanks in advance!

4 months ago

The difference between Harvard College and Harvard University primarily lies in their function and academic scope. In summary, Harvard College is one of the 12 degree-granting schools within Harvard University and focuses on undergraduate education, while Harvard University encompasses all of these individual schools, including those that cater to graduate and professional education.

Harvard College provides undergraduate students with a liberal arts education and offers Bachelor's degrees (AB and SB). The student experience here includes the opportunity to live in residential houses, participate in a wide variety of extracurricular activities, and engage with an academically diverse community.

On the other hand, Harvard University is the umbrella institution that houses all of Harvard's undergraduate, graduate, and professional schools, affiliated research institutions, and initiatives. It encompasses schools such as Harvard Business School, Harvard Law School, Harvard Medical School, and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, to name a few. These schools offer various graduate and professional degree programs, and their academic focuses can differ significantly from the undergraduate experience at Harvard College.

Campus life at Harvard College revolves around undergraduate students, residential life, and various clubs and intramural sports. Students typically have a close-knit community through the residential houses, as well as access to academic and personal resources.

In contrast, the experience at the other schools within Harvard University varies greatly depending on the specific school and program. Graduate students in these programs may have their own housing and social events, as well as different types of academic and professional resources.

In brief, Harvard College is the undergraduate school within Harvard University that focuses on providing a liberal arts education and an enriched campus life for undergraduate students. Harvard University includes Harvard College, as well as its graduate and professional schools, covering a more comprehensive range of academic disciplines and experiences.

4 months ago

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