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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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UNC Chapel Hill Acceptance Rate

Hi all, I'm a junior and I've been seriously considering UNC Chapel Hill as one of my top choices. Can someone share the acceptance rate for UNC Chapel Hill, particularly for out-of-state students? Thanks in advance!

4 months ago

Hello! UNC Chapel Hill is an excellent choice for higher education. The acceptance rate for the university in recent years has been around 21-23%. However, it's important to note that the acceptance rate for out-of-state students is significantly lower, as the university has a mandate to admit a majority of in-state students.

For out-of-state applicants, the acceptance rate is typically around 13-15%. Keep in mind that these numbers can vary slightly from year to year. While the acceptance rate for out-of-state students is more competitive, don't let that discourage you. Focus on submitting a strong application that highlights your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and personal qualities. Good luck with your application process!

4 months ago

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