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UC Davis Waitlist Acceptance Rate

Does anyone have any idea about the UC Davis waitlist acceptance rate? I've been waitlisted, and I'm trying to gauge my chances of getting in. Any info would be greatly appreciated!

4 months ago

While the acceptance rate for waitlisted students at UC Davis can vary from year to year, it's helpful to consider some historical data. In the past, the reported waitlist acceptance rate has been around 30%. It's important to note that the number of students accepted from the waitlist can vary widely from year to year, though, based on factors such as the number of admitted students who enroll or the university's target size for the incoming class.

In the meantime, it's a good idea to have a backup plan in case you're not accepted off the waitlist. Make sure to secure a spot at another school where you've been accepted, and continue to explore your options. You can also take this time to evaluate whether you'd like to pursue any additional opportunities, such as a gap year or an alternative program.

Remember that being waitlisted means the admissions committee saw potential in your application, so don't get discouraged. Keep an eye on any communications from UC Davis, as they may provide updates or additional information about your waitlist status. And finally, sending in a letter of continued interest can help you maximize your chances of getting in off the waitlist - you can read more about how to write this letter on CollegeVine's blog: https://blog.collegevine.com/deferred-or-waitlisted-tips-for-writing-a-letter-of-continued-interest.

Good luck!

4 months ago

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