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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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AP US History Exam Score Calculator

Hi, fellow history buffs! I'm taking APUSH this year and want to keep track of my progress. I've been searching for a good AP US History exam score calculator but haven't found any reliable ones yet. Can anyone suggest a good source to calculate my potential APUSH score? Thank you!

4 months ago

Hey there! I understand you're looking for a good AP US History exam score calculator to track your progress. An effective online tool you can use to calculate your potential score is the "APUSH Score Calculator" from Albert.io. You can access it by searching for "Albert APUSH Score Calculator" on the web. This calculator allows you to input your multiple-choice and short answer question scores, along with your DBQ and long essay scores. After inputting this information, it'll provide you with an estimated AP score.

Keep in mind that these calculators can't predict your actual score with complete accuracy. However, they can offer a rough estimate of your performance based on your practice scores. By using an APUSH score calculator throughout the year, you can identify areas of improvement and adjust your study strategies accordingly. Good luck on your APUSH journey!

4 months ago

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