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SAT: 720 math
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Hardest CUNY schools to get into?

I'm looking into applying for a CUNY school and wanted to know which ones are considered the most competitive. Can anyone help me out with some info?

3 months ago

Sure! The City University of New York (CUNY) system consists of several colleges, each with its own admission requirements and competitiveness. Here are some of the most competitive CUNY schools based on their acceptance rates and academic rigor:

1. Baruch College: Known for its strong business and finance programs, Baruch College is one of the most selective CUNY schools. With an acceptance rate around 51%, it's considered competitive, especially for its well-regarded Zicklin School of Business.

2. Hunter College: Another competitive CUNY institution, Hunter College has an acceptance rate of around 48%. It's highly regarded for its liberal arts approach to education, nursing program, and School of Education.

3. City College of New York (CCNY): With an acceptance rate of about 62%, CCNY is recognized for its engineering, architecture, and humanities programs. The Grove School of Engineering is particularly well-regarded.

4. Brooklyn College: Brooklyn College has an acceptance rate of approximately 55%. Known for its liberal arts approach to education and strong programs in the sciences, this college is another competitive choice within the CUNY system.

5. Queens College: Queens College has an acceptance rate of around 69%. It is known for its diverse range of academic offerings, in areas such as the social sciences, humanities, and education.

Keep in mind that CUNY schools use a holistic approach to evaluate applicants, by considering various factors like your high school GPA, course rigor, extracurricular activities, and personal statement. The competitiveness of each school might also vary depending on the specific program you're applying to. So, when applying, make sure to research the particular requirements and expectations of the schools and programs you're interested in.

Finally, do keep in mind that, as public institutions, part of the mission of the CUNY schools is to provide an accessible education, especially to New York City residents. So, while these acceptance rates may be higher than those of the most competitive private institutions, do not view that as a mark against the quality of the education you'd receive at a CUNY school.

Good luck with your applications!

3 months ago

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