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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Wharton Acceptance Rate: How competitive is it?

Hey folks! I'm looking into applying to the Wharton School at UPenn and I would like to know about their acceptance rate. Is it super difficult to get in? If any of you got accepted or know someone who did, what was the experience and process like?

3 months ago

Wharton, as part of the University of Pennsylvania, is known for being highly competitive and prestigious, especially for its business program. The acceptance rate for Wharton specifically hovers around 7-9% (undergraduate) in recent years, making it one of the most selective business schools in the country. Keep in mind that this rate can vary slightly from year to year depending on the applicant pool.

Now, to give yourself the best shot at getting accepted, you should be prepared to showcase a strong academic record, high standardized test scores (if you choose to submit them), exceptional extracurricular involvement, and a demonstrated interest in business and entrepreneurship. Though high grades and test scores can help, remember that they are not the only factors considered during the holistic application review process.

You should aim to stand out by emphasizing your passion for business and how it has influenced your extracurricular involvement, such as leadership positions within clubs/organizations and relevant business-related or community projects. Additionally, your essays should effectively showcase your unique interests and experiences, providing insight into your personal strengths and goals as they relate to the Wharton curriculum.

Keep in mind that students admitted to Wharton often have a solid foundation in math, as well as an impressive background in entrepreneurship, finance, or any other business-related field. Having a spike in a particular area (e.g., investment, marketing, technology) can also help your application stand out.

In conclusion, while Wharton's acceptance rate is quite low, it's important to focus on presenting a strong application with a clear emphasis on your passion for business and any relevant experiences that showcase your potential to excel in their program. Good luck with your application!

3 months ago

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