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UNC Acceptance Rate?

Hi everyone! I'm a high school junior looking at applying to UNC Chapel Hill. I was wondering if anyone has any information on what the acceptance rate will be next year? Will it be similar to previous years? Thanks in advance!

3 months ago

While it's difficult to accurately predict the exact acceptance rate for UNC Chapel Hill's next freshman class, we can look at trends from recent years to give you some idea. As more students apply to colleges each year, acceptance rates at selective schools like UNC Chapel Hill have generally been decreasing.

For context, the acceptance rate at UNC Chapel Hill during the 2020-2021 applications cycle was around 23%. For the 2022-2023 cycle, on the other hand, the acceptance rate had dipped to 16.8%. So, the rate for the coming cycle will likely be around 16.8%, but lower - potentially somewhere in the 14-16% range, although that is just an estimate.

Also be aware that if you aren't from North Carolina, you're looking at a rate that's quite a bit more competitive. As a public institution, UNC Chapel Hill prioritizes educating the residents of its state. During the 2022-2023 cycle, for example, 43.1% of North Carolina applicants were accepted to UNC Chapel Hill, whereas only 8.2% of out-of-state applicants were.

Remember, though, that acceptance rates are just one aspect of your college applications, and you should focus on presenting your best, authentic self when applying. Make sure to have a strong academic profile, well-developed extracurriculars, and thoughtful application essays, as ultimately those factors matter far more than the school's overall acceptance rate or the state you're from. Good luck with your college application process!

3 months ago

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